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Part-time GCSE courses for Elective Home Educated (EHE) young people

Lewisham College offers free one-year GCSE courses to Elective Home Educated 14–16-year-olds (school years 10 and 11).

EHE students can study up to five GCSEs in one year or a two-year programme with an additional year of preparation for GCSEs included.

This one-year pre-GCSE and one year GCSE study programme of 15 hours per week, is for fluent speakers of English and can include a combination of pre-GCSE and/or GCSEs in Maths, English Language, English Literature, Combined Science and Sociology, as well as non-examination classes in Art and Drama. Modern Foreign Language GCSEs are also available for bilingual students. Enrichment and tutorials are also offered as part of the course.

Progression routes to further vocational study are available at Lewisham College to those who successfully complete the programme.

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