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Help & Support

Adult courses are subject to tuition fees (see individual course pages for details) but there is a range of financial support available to help you pay for your study as well as other costs related to attending college.

Awards and loans

Advanced Learner Loan

This government loan provides support with tuition fees for adults (19+) on Level 3 to Level 6 courses. Find out more on our Advanced Learner Loan page.

19+ Study Award

This provides support towards costs related to attending college for adults experiencing financial hardship. You may be eligible if your household income is £21,000 or less. Payments are made half-termly, and are subject to you achieving an attendance of at least 85%.

Travel support

If you live more than three miles away from the campus where you study you may be eligible for a Travel Award which helps with the costs of travelling to college.

If you are a full-time student aged 19 to 25 and have a Statement of Educational Need (SEN), you may be eligible for transport support from your local Council.

Childcare support

Care to Learn scheme

If you are a young parent (aged under 20 at the start of your course) you may be eligible for the government’s Care to Learn scheme which provides up to £175 per week to help with childcare costs while you study. You can only claim this benefit if your child’s other parent is not available to provide childcare and not claiming Childcare Tax Credit. Find out more about the Care to Learn scheme.

20+ Childcare Award

A Childcare Award is available to help parents aged 20+ with the costs of childcare while they attend college. If you have a household income of £21,000 or less you may be eligible for this award.

Other support

TOTUM (NUS extra) card

The TOTUM (previously NUS extra) card gives students access to over 200 exclusive discounts with a range of beauty, entertainment, eating out, music and travel brands. You can sign up for a TOTUM Card, which costs £12 a year, at the NUS website.

Full-cost courses

Our full-cost courses do not get any funding from the government. This means that all students taking these courses pay the same fee and there are no discounts due to personal circumstances.

Key information

We want to get you on a course and working towards your career as soon as possible. But there are some things you need to know...

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