Do you know someone who isn’t sure what to do next? Visit Lewisham College to get back on track and enrol on a course starting this term.
Come along to an enrolment session or visit Lewisham College’s Go Further Open Event to explore a range of careers and find out more about courses with places still available for 16-18s and adults.
Go Further Open Event
4-6pm, Thursday 12 October 2023
Lewisham Way Campus
During the event you will have the opportunity to:
Transfer from your school sixth form or college to a suitable course at our Lewisham Way campus
Meet a teacher to find out more about vocational courses starting this term
Find out about bursaries and additional learning support
Speak with a careers advisor for advice and guidance on planning your next step
Find out how you can achieve English and maths qualifications if you did not get the grades you hoped for at school
Enrol on an available course or receive information on how to access alternative programmes or apprenticeships