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Lewisham College's Level 3 Performing and Production Arts learners debuted Corporate Greed, a play based on a US energy corporation's accounting and auditing scandal as part of their end-of-year production.

In preparation for the performance the learners developed and managed the stage's lighting and sound design and had the opportunity to showcase their creative skills in lighting, projection, and scenic design and in selecting suitable soundtracks to accompany the production.

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The play centred around the three characters at the heart of the financial mismanagement scandal, which saw the US energy corporation go from being worth billions to being declared bankrupt following the use of illegal loopholes in their accounting and auditing practices. These characters were brought to life by the learners, who delivered a esmerising performance.

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The performance was attended by the College’s community and the learners’ family and friends who enjoyed the play and witness the learners’ talent and performing and production skills.

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Jayne Morgan, Lewisham College Vice Principal, said: "At Lewisham College, we are proud to provide a platform for learners to explore their passion for drama and production arts at further education level. Our young learners in these disciplines have demonstrated exceptional skills and dedication in their course and in producing and staging this outstanding performance, paving the way for them to pursue degrees in acting or stage production at some of the most prestigious universities in the UK.

“Their expertise in the technical aspects of stage management and coordination and their artistic flair in creating stunning stage sound and lighting are truly remarkable. We're certain that these learners have the ability, knowledge and skills to contribute to the creative industries significantly, and we cannot wait to see where their careers will take them."

To learn more about our Drama and Production Arts courses, visit lewisham.ac.uk/creative-arts

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Lewisham College is closely monitoring all communications and guidance as it becomes available. This information is for students and staff and reflects updates from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England (PHE). We are prepared to escalate our contingency arrangements in the event of change.

The government is monitoring the situation closely and will continue to work with the WHO and international community. For staff and students it remains business as usual across our sites and our workplaces.

Please note that, at present, this advice refers only to arrivals from Wuhan, and not the remainder of China. If you have returned from Wuhan you should:

General guidance for those planning visits to Wuhan or other destinations in China

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) maintains updated travel advice for those planning a trip to Wuhan or other destinations in China. This is available at:



This advice is derived from The Department of Health and Social Care will be publishing updated data on a daily basis at 2pm until further notice:


Supplementary Q&A for individuals wishing to know more around how the UK is managing the risk:

