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At the end of the Autumn term, Art and Design students at Lewisham College created an exhibition to shine a light on their impressive work to date, gaining experience of showcasing to the public during the pandemic.

Taking place at the Lewisham Way campus, the exhibition gave students a taste of how to curate a professional exhibition, displaying a range of work including technical and experimental drawing, three-dimensional exploration, digital presentation, and research about the work of professional artists and designers.

The event was supported by Art and Design Course Leaders Abigail Hammond and Jacqui Gunn.

Abigail Hammond, Art and Design Course Leader, said: “I am absolutely thrilled with what our learners have achieved in the first term of what is a new course for Lewisham College. They have created wonderful work and delivered the project whilst developing the confidence in their work, themselves and their future.”  

Although the exhibition cannot be visited during the national lockdown, it will continue to display the students work when the College campus reopens. 

Qaailah Donovan, Art and Design student at Lewisham College, said: “I have really enjoyed being part of this amazing project. Having the ability to communicate your work, even if just through a single image, is particularly important as it is a good way to portray how you are feeling.

"One of the most valuable things I have learned is that an exhibition is about showing the audience who you are as an artist, and what art means to you. This creates even greater impact and I look forward to more people being able to visit the exhibition when we return to campus after lockdown.” 

Lewisham College has a proud history of delivering engaging Creative Arts courses led by experienced tutors in specialist facilities. To learn more about our range of courses, visit lewisham.ac.uk/creative-arts.

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Coronavirus update

Lewisham College is closely monitoring all communications and guidance as it becomes available. This information is for students and staff and reflects updates from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England (PHE). We are prepared to escalate our contingency arrangements in the event of change.

The government is monitoring the situation closely and will continue to work with the WHO and international community. For staff and students it remains business as usual across our sites and our workplaces.

Please note that, at present, this advice refers only to arrivals from Wuhan, and not the remainder of China. If you have returned from Wuhan you should:

General guidance for those planning visits to Wuhan or other destinations in China

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) maintains updated travel advice for those planning a trip to Wuhan or other destinations in China. This is available at:



This advice is derived from The Department of Health and Social Care will be publishing updated data on a daily basis at 2pm until further notice:


Supplementary Q&A for individuals wishing to know more around how the UK is managing the risk:

